
Jen-Chih Yao Director / Chair Professor

Education Ph.D., Department of Operations Research, Stanford University, USA
Research Optimal control, Nonlinear analysis
Office Room S04005, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8505
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Wen-Wei Lin Visiting Chair Professor

Education Ph.D., University of Bielefeld, Germany, 1985 (Applied Mathematics, Numerical Analysis)
Research Scientific Computing, Numerical Analysis,Optimization: Theory and Algorithms,Computational Conformal Geometry
Office Room S04003, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8503
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


Hari Mohan Srivastava Visiting Chair Professor

Education Ph.D., Jai Narain Vyas University, Jodhpur, India
Research Inventory modelling, Optimization
Office DTB A448, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia V8W 3R4, Canada
Tel 1-250-472-5313 (Office); 1-250-477-6960 (Home)
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Gautam Srivastava Visiting Professor

Education Ph.D., University of Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia,Canada
Research Big data, Data mining
Office Department of Mathematics & Computer Science, BrandonUniversity, Brandon, Manitoba R7A 6A9, Canada
Tel +1 (204) 7279748
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Bekir Akgoz Distinguished Research Fellow

Education The Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences,Akdeniz University, Turkey
Research Solid mechanics; Higher-order (nonclassical) continuumtheories; Mathematical modelling of micro- and nano-sizedstructures; Mechanical analysis of structures made offunctionally graded materials; Vibration analysis ofcontinuous systems; Beam and plate theories
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Sun Young Cho Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, College of NaturalScience, GNU, Korea
Research Nonlinear Optimization
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Xiaoying Zhuang Distinguished Research Fellow

Education School of Engineering and Computing Sciences, Universityof Durham, UK
Research Civil Engineering, Civil Geotechnical Engineering,Computational Mechanics
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Hakan F. Oztop Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Department of Mechanical Engineering, Fırat University,Turkey
Research Energy efficiency, Fluid Mechanics (Nanofluids, Laminarand turbulent flows, CFD, Experiments in fluids, Flows inPorous medium, Losses in sanitaries), Heat Transfer(Natural convection, Forced convection, mixed convection,enhancement of heat transfer, numerical methods in heattransfer, energy and buildings, heat exchangers, heattransfer enhancement), Flow and heat transfer in porousmedia, Heat energy storage using Phase ChangeMaterials, Energy and exergy in thermal systems
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Baleanu, Dumitru Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Institute of Atomic Physics, Romania, India
Research Fractional dynamics and its applications, fractionaldifferential equations and their applications, discretemathematics, image processing, bio-informatics,mathematical physics, soliton theory, Lie symmetry,dynamic systems on time scales, computationalcomplexity, the wavelet method and its applications,quantization of systems with constraints, the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, geometries admitting generic and non-generic symmetries
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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M. Mursaleen Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Mathematics, Aligarh Muslim University, India
Research Functional Analysis; Real Analysis; Sequence Spaces,Summability Theory; Fuzzy Metric Spaces, Measures ofNoncompactness; Fourier, Walsh-Fourier series andWavelets; Stability of functional equations; Fixed pointtheory, Approximation theory; Differential and IntegralEquations
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Abdon Atangana Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Mathematics, University of the Free State, South Africa
Research Methods and application of nonlinear equations; Fractionalcalculus and their applications to real world problems;Application of partial, ordinary and fractional differentialequation to groundwater problems; Perturbation andasymptotic methods; Iteration methods for differentialequations; Numerical method for partial differentialequations; Numerical methods for ordinary differentialequations; Analytical methods for partial differentialequation; Analytical methods for ordinary differentialequation; Integral transforms; Groundwater flow models;Groundwater transport models
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Mujahid Abbas Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Applied Mathematics, National College of BusinessAdministration and Economics, Pakistan & Mathematics,Universitat Politecnica De Valencia, Spain
Research Nonlinear Operator Theory; Best Approximations; FuzzyLogic; Fixed Point Theory and its Applications; Soft SetTheory; Convex Optimization Theory
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Omer Civalek Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Structural Vibration, University of Dokuz Eylül & AppliedMechanics, University of Fırat, Turkey
Research Applied Mechanics, Computational Solid Mechanics,Composite mechanics, Mathematical Modeling, NumericalSolutions of Partial Differential Equations, Modeling ofMicro/Nano Structures, Higher-Order Continuum Theories,Analysis of beams plates and shells.
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Shafaqat Ali Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Crop Science (Phytotoxicity and Phytoremediation of heavymetals), Zhejiang Universit, China
Research agriculture, heavy metal pollution, oxidative stress
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Thabet Abdeljawad Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Mathematics, Middle East Technical University, Turkey
Research Nonlinear Analysis and Fixed Point Theory; FunctionalAnalysis: Fréchet and locally convex spaces; Ordinary andDelay Differential Equations; Fractional DynamicalSystems: Stability and Oscillation; Fractional difference andq-fractional difference systems; Calculus of Variations
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
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Ekachai Chukeatirote Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Biotechnology, University of Kent at Canterbury, UK
Research Microbiology, Biotechnology, Biochemistry, and MolecularGenetics
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Jose Posada-Villa Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Especialista en Gerencia Social (Specialist in SocialManagement), Universidad Minuto de Dios, Bogotá D.C.,Colombia
Research Community mental health general psychiatry, Child &adolescent psychiatry, Mental health, Psychopharmacologymental health
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Yonghong Yao Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Tianjin Polytechnic University,China
Research Nonlinear Analysis; Optimization
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Poom Kumam Distinguished Research Fellow

Education Ph.D.(Mathematics), Naresuan University Thailand
Research Existance Theorems and Related Behaviors, Set-Valued Analysis, Optimization, Variational Inequality and Equilibrium Theory, Approximation and Solution Methods, Fixed-point theory,Variational analysis,Random operator theory,Fractional differential equations,Differential game,Entropy and Quantum operators,Fuzzy soft set,Mathematical modeling for fluid dynamics and areas of interest Inverse problems,Dynamic games in economics,Image restoration,Signal and image processing
Office Room S04004, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8504
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Feng-Sheng Tsai Associate Professor

Education Ph.D., Department of Mathematics, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan
Research Interneural computing, Neurodynamics
Office Room S04002, Liouchuan education building 4F
Tel +886-4-22053366 ext 8502
Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.